![American Brain Coalition](images/sponsors/ABC_white_gold.jpg)
The American Brain Coalition
TAN is a member of the American Brain Coalition (ABC), a coalition for bringing together neurological and psychiatric organizations that represent interested patients, families, and professionals to collectively advocate for increased support of research that will lead to better treatment, services, and support.
The organization is also pressing for a national commitment towards finding cures for individuals with disabling neurological and psychiatric disorders. “ABC hopes to achieve the same level of public awareness and support for diseases of the brain that have been realized by the American Heart Association for heart disease and the American Cancer Society for cancer. Only when the public understands how mental illness and diseases of the brain affect 50 million of their relatives, friends, and neighbors will ABC attract the level of support for research and care needed to prevent, control, and cure these diseases. Each ABC member has a responsibility to network with colleagues in their field so that ABC can achieve this level of awareness.”
TAN complies with ABC’s “request for responsibility” by attending ABC Meetings; in particular the July 29, 2010 Member of Congress in Washington, DC, and the May 23 through 25, 2011 One Mind for Research Forum in Boston, MA. In addition, TAN features ABC articles in the quarterly newsletter Spikes & Spasms, and shares weekly ABC updates with advocates.
Tremor Action Network was inducted as an ABC Member during the 57th American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Meeting.
Brain Awareness Week
Tremor Action Network in partnership with the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) and Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives (DANA) since 2005 has accomplished much as a Brain Awareness Week (BAW) outreach partner.
BAW is a national and international campaign, recognized by over 2800 organizations in 82 countries. BAW offers an opportunity to focus attention on tremor within the broader context of the brain and brain research.
TAN requests participation in Brain Awareness Week to increase local community awareness about movement disorders. BAW activities come in all “shapes and sizes.” TAN has partnered with state and federal officials, medical centers, community colleges, health and science fairs, newspapers, radio and TV stations to spread movement disorders awareness.
Life in Motion
The nationwide initiative was designed to raise awareness and improve the quality of care for the estimated 40 to upwards of 72 million people that are living with some type of movement disorder.
Fifty patient advocacy organizations, foundations, and professional societies joined a coalition in support of the Life in Motion campaign. Coalition members committed to raising awareness about movement disorders, emphasizing the importance of early and accurate diagnosis, and illustrating available treatment options.
Life in Motion launched at the 57th AAN meeting. The Campaign included media outreach, public service announcements, and community outreach highlighting real stories of people living with movement disorders. Additionally, through the efforts of Life in Motion, October was designated Movement Disorders Awareness Month.
Tremor Action Network was pleased to join a coalition in support of the Life in Motion awareness campaign. If you are interested in contributing a story of a person living well with a movement disorder, we encourage you to contact TAN.