Wow and I mean Wow!!! What a terrific resource! I delayed dinner so I could read the whole newsletter!
– Nannette
Thank you so much for this newsletter. It gave me a sense of not being alone.
– Kate
Bravo! The newsletter is marvelous and I look forward to receiving future issues. Like many that suffer with ET, I didn’t know what “it” was for many years.
– Hilary
I find the newsletter very informative and am anxious for the next issue!
– Mac
I was especially moved by Darby’s column. There is lots of good down to earth information for ET folks and families.
– Annabelle
Spikes & Spasms is interesting and well-presented.
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Tremor Action Network provides awareness, education and support for people with movement disorders. Help keep Spikes & Spasms a free resource by making a donation to offset the publishing costs of the newsletter. Any size contribution is welcome, and is tax deductible in the United States and where appropriate outside the USA.
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