Tremor Action Network (TAN) continually updates the website so that each time you visit TAN you may find something new and interesting.
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International Essential Tremor Foundation
The IETF is hosting a teleconference on March 3, 2016. Information on essential tremor care and research will be presented followed by questions and answers. Registration is required by March 1.
American Academy of Neurology
68th AAN Annual Meeting will take place will take place April 15-21, 2016, at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
20th International Congress of Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorders to be held June 19-23, 2016, in Berlin, Germany.
Public Access to NIH Information
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NIH Clinical Center
The National Institutes of Health Clinical Center is the largest hospital in the United States devoted 100% to research.
Essential Tremor Studies
- The Family Study of Essential Tremor
Recruiting patients to try to identify the genes that are responsible for ET. Calling on the assistance of the ET community to help complete this groundbreaking research, which at the moment is the largest NIH-funded project of its kind. The help of the ET community is vital. - NINDS Ethanol Response in Essential Tremor
Recruiting patients for alcohol and TMS study. Researchers are searching for to what extent alcohol supresses tremor, and what areas of the brain respond to relief from drinking alcohol. - NINDS Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery
Recruiting patients for DBS surgery to record brain function and determine the efficacy of the surgery. - UC San Diego Brain Observatory
The Brain Observatory is very different from traditional brain banks. Unlike the process of traditional brain banks that renders the brain collection unsuitable for retrospective review or further studies, The Brain Observatorys collection will be preserved on thousands of slides that will improve medical treatments and the lives of patients.Observing living donors (limited to the San Diego area) with essential tremor is just one component of The Brain Observatorys scientific study. The Brain Observatory is actively reviewing cases of patients with other neurological disorders such as Parkinsons Disease and Alzheimers. But, brain donation of healthy individualsis equally valuable as a baseline for a normal brain at different ages. It is essential to understand why healthy brains avoid neurological disease and dysfunction.Please call (858) 822-4467 if you would like to learn more about how to support The Brain Observatory.