TAN Highlights

2004 Highlights

  • Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (October, 2004)
    President Kathleen Welker spent three days in San Diego attending the American Brain Coalition Meeting; the Session
    How to Take Neuroscience into the Schools; Public Advocacy Forum All Politics Are Local:
    Learn How You Can Make a Difference Today; Brain Awareness Week Campaign Meeting; Platform
    presentation Potassium and Sodium Channels.
  • Columbia University Neurological Institute of New York (September, 2004)
    Vice-President Hok Morita scheduled visit with Dr. Elan Louis to learn more about his
    research, the current state of essential tremor research, and what the most pressing needs
    are. Dr. Louis defined some of his ongoing projects, in particular the impact of
    environmental factors on tremor, his brain pathology studies, and the need for patient
    participation in research.
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