Essential Tremor Support

WE MOVE Discussion Forum
Free exchange of information and ideas that assists individuals in finding peer support.

Band-Aides & Blackboards
Uniquely designed website about growing up with medical problems, including the remembrance by a TAN Board member of being different as a child.

The OT Resource
Information, awareness and forum for people with Orthostatic Tremor, their family members and caregivers. OT is a high frequency tremor that occurs in both legs upon standing in a still position and causes sudden, extreme straining in the legs and a strong sense of imbalance.

French-speaking organization which defends the interests of people with essential tremor and wants to make known the importance of this neurological disorder to the general public.

APTES est une organisation francophone qui defend les interets des personnes atteintes de tremblement essentiel et veut faire connaitre l’importance de ce desordre neurologique aupres du grand public. APTES gere un site internet

Yahoo! Tremblement Essentiel
Yahoo health group affiliated with APTES. Un groupe de soutien et de discussion.

International Essential Tremor Foundation
Founded to provide patients with timely information. The organization promotes support groups to help people help themselves.

National Tremor Foundation
United Kingdom charitable trust affiliated with the IETF. Provides information, services and support.

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