Advocate For a Cure

Shaking the World to Find a Cure
Advocates are people, children and adults, who have the capability to effect a cure for movement disorders. Advocates’ actions are essential to spread awareness of movement disorders by advocating for a cure through research. Tremor Action Network Advocate Agenda includes building a network of advocates to inform the public, government agencies and the health care industry on the universal needs of the movement disorders population. TAN pledges to promote advocacy through novel and creative activities.

Tremor Action Network Awareness Message Card
Essential tremor is so common yet transparent. Outside of individuals and families afflicted with essential tremor, the public at large is not familiar with the “most populated” movement disorder.

TAN’s awareness message is an ice breaker! Key words on eight lines clearly define ET. The card is designed to hand out to friends, co-workers, family and medical practitioners. Health care providers within and outside the field of neurology may be interested in displaying cards in their office and giving to patients with essential tremor.

Complete the Advocate Form to receive the free message card. To order additional cards, call TAN or send an email request to [email protected]. TAN welcomes people of all ages, professions, to advocate for ET. Spread awareness…tell a friend!

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