Tremor Action Network (TAN) was founded to spread awareness of essential tremor and tremor related neurological movement disorders by advocating for a cure through research. Your contributions support research for new treatments and a cure.
TAN is a volunteer only 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, qualified to accept tax deductible contributions. Tremor Action Network federal tax id is 20-0643461.
Your Support is tax deductible in the United States, and where appropriate outside the USA.
Online or Mail Contributions
PayPal Instructions
Click on the Make a Donation button. Signing up for a PayPal account is optional. If you have a PayPal account, enter your log-in details. If not, follow PayPal streamlined instructions for making a tax deductible contribution to Tremor Action Network. If you have any questions contact TAN.
Effortless Contribution!
Select Tremor Action Network as your designated charity and GoodSearch [powered by Yahoo!] will contribute 1 cent to TAN for each Internet search. If you think about how many times you search the Internet, searches from TAN supporters will quickly add up!
GoodSearch also offers GoodShop for online shopping and GoodDining. Tremor Action Network receives a percentage for each online purchase, and up to 6 percent every time you dine out.
Please ask your family, friends and colleagues to use GoodSearch-GoodShop-Good-Dining on behalf of TAN.